Exploration Children's Museum is a non-profit organization administered by the cultural organization Cultural and Museum Education Hellenic Center which is based in the city of Heraklion, Crete. Having as a constitutive purpose the promotion of cultural and museum education, our vision is to create a cultural center for every child and ensure that children will always have a place to grow up, play and explore.
Committed to our mission, Exploration continues to offer high quality educational and cultural services, both online and live interpretations. Through a variety of activities, we succeeded in supporting families’ museum experiences, while at the same time we managed to develop new explorations for parents and children in our city. Always exploring, always keeping play!
With your support, we continue to cultivate our visitors' love of exploration and play, always ensuring a safe space where children can live their childhood and express themselves! Your support directly affects our ability to provide diverse and qualitative cultural experiences, to research and explore new methods of museum education, developing positive attitudes towards our cultural heritage.
Let’s support the imagination of children!
Let’s start our creativity!
Let’s explore and discover the world!
Become now a member of Exploration’s family and support our cultural work in whatever way you want:
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