Online Children’s Photo Exhibition

Welcome to the photography exhibition ΤOYS COME ALIVE

Group photography exhibition of the children who participated in the educational program "Playful Clicks"

Grand Opening: Wednesday 5 May 2021 | Duration: Summer 2021

The Toys Come Alive exhibition includes 35 unique photographs of the children

who participated in the educational program of Exploration Children's Museum, Playful Clicks.

The program took place online during April ,

giving the unique opportunity to children from all over Greece to participate and explore with Exploration,

the first mobile children's museum in the country.

Our team explored the art of photography

and as they inspired by famous toy photographers, they photographed their own toys.

Then, as curators, they organized and set up their own online photo exhibition.

Our toys come to life one more time through our photos, 

through our playful "clicks"!

Don't forget to write your impressions in our online guestbook that you will find here!

We will be very happy to here from you!